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Beyond Bandra

Edwin A. J. Fernandes
The Book is divided into chapters like the Bandra Series, Celebrations & Festivals, Flora & Fauna, Office Humour, the Goa Series, Aamchi Mumbai, Sports, Short Stories even an Au Revoir Obituary Series!

About Beyond Bandra

This latest offering of mine is a collection of anecdotes, essays, on my adventures, memoirs, travels, day to day interactions etc with one notable feature humour. The Book is divided into chapters like the Bandra Series, Celebrations & Festivals, Flora & Fauna, Office Humour, the Goa Series, Aamchi Mumbai, Sports, Short Stories even an Au Revoir Obituary Series! Thus the Book has something for everyone. I have endeavoured to take you back in time to another era. when the Bandra Feast was a feast like no other when going to watch movies in the only English theatre in the suburbs 'New Talkies', was an adventure in itself, the series on Flora and Fauna introduces you to Eagles, Beagles, Geese and anything you please. Police Encounters is full of intrigue the games of our youth spinning tops, the adventurous travels by lazy sailing ships. I hope the repertoire is interesting and revetting. My intention is to make you "stop and stare" and laugh uninhibitedly. No situation is too grave or too serious not to see its funny side. That is my philosopy which has stood me well always.

Published:29 Jun 2023
ISBN 13:9788193423660
ISBN 10:8193423666
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