44 ratings
About Cobo's sofa
I would say that the best thing to have happened to Goa's English literary scene at present, is the advent of this maiden book of fictionn by Willy, which is, in essence, an assortment of his short stories, or rather, his lovely little literary marvels numbering 15 in all. That the book is certain to make engrossing reading, goes without saying. In my honest appraisal Willy has all it takes to grow into a master writer of fiction. The fundamental requirement for that to happen, of course, is a fertile mind. And Willy does have a mind of amazing fertility, which makes it possible for him to spin out yards of fictional yarn from practically every idea he sources from it. Going by the profuse 'turns' and 'twists' he imparts to his tales, I'd say that his 'spinning' skill would topfight cricket spinner in the shade. Vinayak Naik (Editor-in-Chief, Goa Today)