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Five Past Midnight in Bhopal: The Epic Story of the World's Deadliest Industrial Disaster

Dominique Lapierre, Javier Moro
52 ratings

About Five Past Midnight in Bhopal: The Epic Story of the World's Deadliest Industrial Disaster

It was December 3, 1984. In the ancient city of Bhopal, a cloud of toxic gas escaped from an American pesticide plant, killing and injuring thousands of people. When the noxious clouds cleared, the worst industrial disaster in history had taken place. Now, Dominique Lapierre brings the hundreds of characters, conflicts, and adventures together in an unforgettable tale of love and hope. Readers will meet the poetry-loving factory worker who unleashes the apocalypse, the young Indian bride who was to be married that terrible night, and the doctors who died that night saving others. It is a gripping, fascinating account that is already mesmerizing readers around the world.
Published:03 Jun 2002
Publisher:Grand Central Publishing
ISBN 13:9780446530880
ISBN 10:446530883
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