Children's Books

Lily Goes Skitter Skating

Elizabeth Pulford
Lily is the littlest angel at Amelia's Angel Academy and wants to help the other angels win the Archangel Trophy which is currently held by All Saints Angel School.

About Lily Goes Skitter Skating

Lily is the littlest angel at Amelia's Angel Academy and wants to help the other angels win the Archangel Trophy which is currently held by All Saints Angel School. The contest is snow sports which Lily is not very good at. Lily's nemesis from the Bossy Boots' Boarding House, Wanda Westbrook, is determined to thwart Lily at every stage. However when Wanda gets into difficulty in the last round of the competition Lily goes to her aid and thereby loses points which could have won them the trophy. Lily's good deed does not go unnoticed and the Amelia's Angel Academy wins the trophy. Suggested level: junior, primary.

Published:30 Mar 2023
Publisher:Scholastic New Zealand
ISBN 13:9781775430247
ISBN 10:1775430243
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