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Our Impossible Love

Durjoy Datta
29 ratings

About Our Impossible Love

Aisha lives with her ailing mother and brother. Since they are poor, and the mother's medical bills are high, her father has to work in a different city. Both the brother and sister are very intelligent and quite close to each other. Slowly, however, the duo starts growing apart. When Aisha is about to turn 18, all she wants is a big party. So, when the rich Casanova Vibhor wants to take her out on a date, she jumps at the offer. At her birthday party though, things turn uglyand she becomes a victim of date rape. Around the same time Aisha starts bonding with her school counsellor Danish who is a young man and seems to be always around for her. Slowly, both of them find out that they are in love - Danish and Aisha. And when Aisha tells him about the rape, and the law doesn't seem to help, Danish suggests a plan.
Published:01 Jan 2016
Publisher:Penguin Group (China)
ISBN 13:9780143424611
ISBN 10:143424610
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