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The House at 43, Hill Road

Brenda Rodrigues
The book recounts interesting foibles, quarrels, pranks, family lore, and tragic happenings spanning five generations, and the story of Lydia, who stamped the address on the international bridal trousseau map.

About The House at 43, Hill Road

The House at 43, Hill Road chronicles the lives and times of the family of the aristocratic Braz Rodrigues, who, in the mid-1800s, built his bungalow on Bandra's main road, where he lived in grand style with a retinue of butlers, servants and coachmen. The book recounts interesting foibles, quarrels, pranks, family lore, and tragic happenings spanning five generations, and the story of Lydia, who stamped the address on the international bridal trousseau map. The book goes on to provide a meticulously documented account of how government authorities actively assisted land-grabbers who were out to take over that property in Bandra's prime commercial area. For six years, the author, Brenda and her husband, Joe, great grandson of Braz, single-handedly fought over 70 cases, faced assaults and threats -- and even had to hide their children in a distant place.

Published:22 Aug 2018
Publisher:Bombaykala Books
ISBN 13:9788193835326
ISBN 10:8193835328
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